Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Blame It All On Bush: Part Deux

First it was Katrina. Then it was global warming. Then it was the terrorist attacks in Great Britain. All three catastrophic events attributable to the same person: President George W. Bush. So it was only a matter of time before our commander in chief instigated another dastardly plot to put good, innocent people in harm’s way. What did the president do this time? He caused a bridge to collapse in Minnesota.

That’s what the liberals want you to believe. Their line of thinking: If it weren’t for all the money Bush is spending in Iraq, we’d have plenty of money to fix America’s aging infrastructure. Never mind that Minnesota has been running a 2.1 billion dollar surplus in recent years. Never mind that they’re using that money to build things like stadiums and other entertainment venues (not that there’s anything wrong with that). Never mind that keeping this bridge safe was a state responsibility, not a federal one. None of those things matter to liberals who wait breathless with anticipation for the next major tragedy that they can blame on George W. Bush.

What will be next? What if Amtrak had a derailment? We all know that’s never happened before. So of course, when that does happen for the first time (yes, I’m being sarcastic), some liberal blogger will, within 12 hours, issue a statement vilifying President Bush for his complicity in the accident. Within 24 hours, untold numbers of journalists in the mainstream media will jump on the “blame Bush bandwagon.” I can already hear in my mind the opening line of The CBS Evening News with Katie Couric:

Yesterday’s derailment of an Amtrak passenger train is being blamed on worn out railroad tracks, which are a result of the Bush administration’s total and complete irresponsibility in dealing with the problem of catastrophic global warming. Had the president been more concerned about the environment, he would have encouraged more people to take the train rather than drive their gas-guzzling SUV’s. With the White House promoting Amtrak to combat climate change, more federal money would have been shifted to repair the aging rails in this country. And fewer people would have died. Thanks a lot, Mr. President!

OK, so that last sentence probably won’t be aired, but you know that’s what Katie will be thinking. Other than that, I don’t think my little assumption is too far-fetched. It may be Diane Sawyer or Jack Cafferty instead of Katie, but you get the idea. Actually, they’ll all just be singing a different verse of the same tune.

Of course, my hope and prayer is that there will be no natural disasters or infrastructure failures in the foreseeable future. But as long as Bush is president and tragedies continue to happen, the liberals in this country will always have something to look forward to.

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